Links & Resources
PLEASE NOTE: Texas State NOW & its chapters/task forces are NOT emergency type organizations– if you are experiencing an emergency, PLEASE CONTACT 911.
If you are in a domestic violence situation in which you cannot call 911, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at:
1−800−799−7233 OR TTY 1−800−787−3224.
On this page are:
NOW-Specific Forms & Information
Texas Organizations that Work for Social Justice
Great Local Independent Media Sources/Stores
Statewide Organizations that Work for Social Justice
Links for Girls and Teens
Links for Women – If you need some help
Our issues: Reproductive Rights and Justice, Ending Violence Against Women, Economic Justice, LGBTQ Rights, Racial Justice, Constitutional Equality Amendment.
**We know this is incomplete – please drop us a line to make suggestions for nonprofit resources!**
Texas NAACP – Texas chapter of the NAACP; the NAACP’s mission in the 21st century is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.” Their national initiatives include political lobbying, publicity efforts, and litigation strategies developed by their legal team.
Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera (Austin So Close to the Border) – This group works to provide education in economic literacy and labor and civil rights in the global economy. ATCF also assists displaced and marginalized folks, especially those who are underprivileged to begin with, including youth, women, and immigrants.
CODEPINK Texas – CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs, and other life-affirming programs.
Financial Resource Guide for Migrant Workers
House the Homeless – Provides services to homeless folks, advocates for their rights, and promotes a universal living wage.
Lilith Fund – Provides financial assistance to women who need but cannot afford abortions
Mamas of Color Rising – A collective of working-class and poor mothers of color based in and around Austin, TX
Planned Parenthood – Texas – Our amazing local PP affiliates do so much, from advocacy to community education to providing great low-cost health care. Click on the link for a list of their health centers in Texas.
Texas Council on Family Violence – TCFV promotes safe and healthy relationships by supporting service providers, facilitating strategic prevention efforts, and creating opportunities for freedom from domestic violence. They host signature conferences, summits, training events, webinars, and prevention efforts to support the capacity building of member programs and enhance community responses to family violence throughout the state. TCFV also serves as the unified voice before the Texas legislature on behalf of family violence survivors and service providers to support laws that assist victims and survivors.
Texas Equal Access Fund – Provides financial assistance to women who need but cannot afford abortions.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid – (TRLA) is a nonprofit agency that specializes in providing free civil legal services to low-income individuals. TRLA’s mission is to promote the dignity, self-sufficiency, safety, and stability of low-income Texans by providing high quality civil legal assistance and related educational services. To be eligible, a client must be at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines depending on the circumstances of the client.
Third Coast Activist Resource Center – The Center’s two main goals are to distribute educational resources and organize community events about U.S. policy around the world, and to strengthen the local activist network that is part of a national and international movement for global justice.
Women’s Alliance for Leadership Texas – Women’s Alliance for Leadership is a nonprofit organization that is committed to empowering LGBTQ women in Texas. They are an all-inclusive organization that focuses on career development workshops, scholarship, and recognizing women leaders in our community.
Workers Defense Project – This great local labor advocacy group puts a special emphasis on gender equality, requiring equal leadership of men and women in the organization. Solidarity, y’all!
Great Local Independent Media Sources/Stores
Austin Indymedia – A grassroots media collective committed to providing an outlet for the circulation of voices and messages that are systematically marginalized by mainstream media. Their site hosts a great community calendar for progressive events!
BookWoman – One of the only feminist bookstores in Texas! Not only a great source of feminist books, media, and gifts, BookWoman hosts community events, a book group, and other fun stuff.
MonkeyWrench Books – A collectively-run and owned radical bookstore with a wee cafe, meeting space, and a committed staff of volunteers.
Resistencia Books – A radical feminist bookstore that focuses on Chicana/o, Latina/o, and Native American resources. They also host community events, meetings, and readings.
COMING SOON! Please send us a message if you have suggestions…
The Afiya Center – Advocacy for black women in the areas of reproductive justice, abortion access, HIV programming, and maternal mortality.
Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center – Support services for survivors of sexual assault and their families for the Dallas area.
The Turning Point Rape Crisis Center – Support services for survivors of sexual assault and their families in the North Texas area.
Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support – Provides women and children of abusive situations a path to an independent and safe life.
Mosaic Family Services – Provide services for domestic violence abuse, refugees, and HIV positive individuals. Their shelter mainly serves immigrant women who are victims of human trafficking.
North Texas Gay and Lesbian Alliance – Provide services and awareness education for gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and transgender Texans.
Southwest Surgery Center – Abortion and reproductive healthcare services, located in Dallas.
Whole Woman’s Health of Fort Worth – Abortion and reproductive healthcare services, located in Fort Worth.
WiNGS Dallas – Provides a full suite of services to lift up women and their families to reach their fullest potential. Services include nurse home visits for first-time moms or expectant moms, financial resiliency education and services, and entrepreneurship development.
San Antonio
COMING SOON! Please send us a message if you have suggestions…
Other Cities
COMING SOON! Please send us a message if you have suggestions…
ALLGO – a statewide queer people of color organization
BPW of Texas – Business and Professional Women
Equality Texas – LGBT rights
Jane’s Due Process – ensuring legal representation for pregnant minors in Texas
People for the American Way – Texas
Texans for Public Justice – tracks the influence of money and corporate power in Texas politics
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
Texas Council on Family Violence
Cyber Bullying: The Complete Resource Guide – A comprehensive guide to cyberbullying and what teens, parents, educators, and other adults can do to combat it. Written by Denise Austin.
GEN Austin – GEN stands for “Girls Empowerment Network.” They have fun after-school programs, workshops, and a speaker series.
Girlstart – Empowering girls in science and technology. They’ve got fantastic hands-on workshops and classes, some after school, some on Saturdays, and some week-long ones during the summer.
Girl Scouts, Lone Star Council
Jane’s Due Process – Provides assistance to Texas teen women who need legal services related to reproductive choices.
Latinitas – a nonprofit that works to empower Latina youth through media and technology. Check out their online magazine!
Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety, Security, and Screen Time for Kids.
SafePlace programs for girls and teens – Violence and bullying prevention
Take Back the Night – Resources/actions to combat sexual violence and domestic violence.
Teenage Substance Abuse Prevention – Resource for drug and addiction prevention for teens.
The Recovery Village – Resource for Teen Addiction.
The Parents’ Guide to Teaching your Teen Online Safety – A list of the main platforms and how teens communicate within each.
LINKS FOR women - if you need help
Lilith Fund – Provides financial assistance to women who need but cannot afford abortions
SafePlace – Our local rape crisis and domestic violence organization
Saheli – For Asian families dealing with domestic violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline – Located in Austin, they are an incredibly helpful resource for anyone needing help with a family violence situation
Texas Equal Access Fund – Provides financial assistance to women who need but cannot afford abortions.
Women’s Advocacy Project – nonprofit legal organization that promotes access to justice for Texas women and children in need